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Welcome to the new blog

I decided that I really want to get back to blogging and there is no time like the present to get started.

I was a blogger back in the early 2000's when blogging was the way to connect with other creators. It was back before social media took off. I know that once instagram came along I slowly let my blog go.

The connections I made moved over to social media and it was just easier to post a cute picture and a short caption instead of taking the time to craft a long thought out blog post. Well I miss those days. I would love to go back to the days of searching for a new blog to read and really making the connection with the person behind the screen instead of just click a little button for a like.

Facebook memories have me being very nostalgic, because old post pop up about me sharing my latest blog post. I noticed a trend in that I as became more active on instagram than my blog post got few and farther between.

I hope to bring back the peek behind the scenes type of blog post that I loved writing. On my old blog I worked with different companies in the arts and craft industry and create projects for what ever new product they were releasing. I have created projects that were displayed at The Craft and Hobby Association Trade Shows.

So for this blog, I will be using the tools that I currently use to share a little snippets of my work as well as things that I love at the moment. I really enjoy working with both traditional and digital art tools. If you click on the image above you can go watch the latest Procreate speed paint. You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel there as well.

I started a Patreon Community back up a couple of months ago and It is where you can support the free content I provide as have access to bonus content that I offer to my members. There is a free 7 day trial of the Artist and Makers tier as well if you would like to see what is available there.

These are both ways that I like to connect with people off of the other more social media platforms. I don't know how much I will post here but I will try to post as much as I can. When I post on Youtube I will probably post here with more information about the things that I mention in my videos.

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